Poems, Affirmations, Inspirational Quotes, Etc...

This is a collection of my favorite miscellaneous poems, affirmations and inspirational quotes.

I hope you enjoy.


In our best moments we understand our volnerabilities are what connect us that there is beauty in every step of the journey that we can love bravely offer comfort to our younger broken selves and soar on the brightness of being alive ~ Kelly Rae Roberts


There is little sense in attempting to change external conditions.  You must first change inner beliefs then outer conditions will change accordingly ~ Brian Adams


The only way to deal with the future is to function efficiently in the now ~ Gita Bellin


You will decide on a matter and it will be established for you and light will shine on your ways ~ Job 22:28


You must begin to trust yourself - If you do not, then you will forever be looking to others to prove your own merrit to you.  You will never be satisfied. You will always be asking others what to do and at the same time resenting those from whom you seek such aid ~ Jane Roberts


     You are given the gifts of the gods. You create your reality according to your beliefs. Yours in the creative energy that makes your world. There are NO limitations to the self - Except those you believe In.  Jane Roberts

I"LL TRY AGAIN by Doris A Orth
     I thought I had lost you god, because I failed to do all i could to earn your love the way I wanted to. At times I try so very hard but I'd just slip and fall and I admit that many times I didn't try at all.  But as I woke this morning my faith was very strong and suddenly I realized you've been here all along.  You've never given up on me. So now I'll try to do my very best to earn your love and prove my love to you.


The world we see that seems so insane is the result of a belief system that is not working.  To perceive the world differently we must be willing to change our belief system.  Let the past slip away. Expand our sense of now and dissolve the fear in our minds ~ William James


  • Be Realistic - Plan for a miracle (B.S. rajneesh)
  • Thoughts are like boomerangs (Eileen Caddy)
  • To find yourself ~ Think for yourself (Socrates)
  • I belong!!!
  • Believe in who I am
  • I am responsible for making me - ME
  • Be responsible for myself!
  • Progress not perfection
  • Love, Patience & Tolerance
  • I am accountable
  • Easy does it
  • One day at a time and if necessary - One hour at a time...
  • Where ever I go - There I am

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change
Courage to change the things I can
And the wisdom to know the difference
